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Translated Chinese Aion Bot

Submitted: 15 years ago (06.01.2009) | Thanks: 2


The first free Aion Bot for Chinese Servers. Variety of features include auto pots, skills, combat, etc.


There are 2 downloads available for the bot. Considering people are still saying the old bot works. Please try the old one first. If you still have no luck then try this new link

Old Bot
New Bot

Please also take a look at our GameGuard killer for Aion here

1. What you need
-OS Settings
-Basic Information

2. How to setup
-Basic Introduction
-Basic Settings

3. Special Settings
- "Hang-up Points"
-Skill usage

4. Translation

1. What do I need?
- Downloads

the bot -> click (5 mb)
the firewall -> click (43 mb)

-OS Settings

You can use the bot only with a XP OS. If you haven't got a PC with XP you can stop here. In addition its important to set your regional settings to chinese.
start -> system settings -> regional options.
Regional Settins -> China (VR China)
Location -> China
Programms, which does't support unicodes -> China

To sum up, its the same process you do if you want to change your client into a english one.

If your PC doesn't show the option to change the OS language to chinese one, install the chinese pack. (U need the XP CD. Dunno if you can download the pack!)

2. How to setup
- Firewall

The firewall is a important step for the bot. Currently every bot out there is not for free, you have to pay for them. The chinese firewall blocks the bot to phone home to check if you paid.

To install the firewall doubleclick on the exe and just install. Update the client und reboot after you're done. I won't screen every single installation step. Its pretty simple.
Make sure the firewall is activated.

- Basic Introductions
Unzip the bot. It doesn't matter where you put the bot in. To start the bot, simpy click on the launcher.exe (its called ballboy-launcher)
This window will pop up:

Click on the left button.
There are now two options:

- the bot dissapears, the aion launcher starts automatically. just go on and log in.

- nothing happens. you have to start the normal aion launcher manually. the bot should dissapear.

During aion is loading there should appear a blue icon in the system tray:

Log in with your account and enter Aion.
Press the "HOME" key (or pos1) to open the bot.
Try to click on the button in the left corner, then click on the right button beside.
The bot should move. (Its just a test if it works, don't worry.)

In addition there should be a pop up window:

Just click on the popup to stop the countdown. DO NOT CLOSE THE POPUP!
Congratulations, the bot is working!

- Basic Settings

Now here comes the important part: to get the bot hunting

click on the 2 tab and go to the spot you want to get the bot hunting.

click on 1 - 2 - 3 and then the bot starts hunting! youre done.

3. Special Settings
- "Hang-Up Points"

-Skil Settings / Pots / Heal Spells

The left window shows the skills the char has. double click on it to add a skill in the "skill chain" the bot should use (right window displays the skill chain)

Remember: When you get another rank or a new skill you have to add the skill to the "skill chain"

Hint: Compare the chinese signs of the skills with the skills on the bot to be sure to get the right one. make a note if you can't remember those signs.

First, choose the pot you want to use, then type in the % the bot should use of the pot, then activate the "infight" or "after fight" options (or both of them)

Heal Spells:
Same as pots.

Remember to save if you change anything.

This is the current translation for this program

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Translated Chinese Aion Bot

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