How to check your Game IP
To check your IP:
1. Start TCPView
2. Search for D2R.exe
3. Sort by Create Time
4. Create game
5. The IP should be on top or bottom depending on how many times you clicked Create Time (It's the Remote IP you're looking for)
Have both Diablo and TCPview open and when you create a game the IP will highlight in green for a couple seconds.
When you leave it'll blink red. You can run TCPview, on internet explorer \\\tools\Tcpview.exe
This also works ... Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and paste this in once you're in a game: netstat -anob | Select-String -Pattern D2R.exe -Context 1,0 | findstr :443 | findstr ESTABLISHED | findstr /v | findstr /v | findstr /v | findstr /v | findstr /v You must run the window as admin though, if you don't when you type the command there will be no output