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The Loot Table. Group POV

Submitted: 3 years ago (10.22.2020)

This legendary buff for the week has provided a huge opportunity for me and some friends to experiment, observe and understand how this "loot table" really works with all these extra drops weve all been getting.
While many of you may be familiar with "tealdawns" thread on the official forum. there has been no definitive answer to this whole shenanigans.
This information is based off of over 200+ rifts done on T6 roughly 6-8 min clear times, with this legendary buff and with a full group reporting each of their results.

We noted that 5-6 item "types" are assigned to you once you join a game - eg. chest, ring, amu, 2h crossbow, bow. (not specific legendarys, and NOT including potions, relics, plans, and "non smart loot") that would only drop.
Occasionally there would be times where these "types" assigned, would not change right away when leaving a game and joining another, and could possibly be on a timer, we even noted that this would majority of the time change immediately upon gaining a paragon level, or shortly after.

-chest, ring, 1h xbow, bow, amu, shoulder --- Having this kind of loot table as an example, and gambling "shoulders" would yield a much larger % of legendaries per bloodshards spent, then if we were to gamble an "item type" that was NOT on our "table" during that time. While still possible to get a legendary type not on our table from kadala, the results were much much noticeably lower between each of us. If you are looking for a specific item in the "glove" slot, I highly suggest you do not gamble gloves until you see any ledg pair drop.

~ Take our observations however you want, still in progress. Hopefully it helps you all. Enjoy.

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