[RELEASE] Flyff Automaton by EmiFR
EDIT: Here the english version:
Here's the new Automaton
Some of the new functions:
- better interface
- teleport works on big map
- fixed characterinformations
- another person writing causes a disable to the grinder till the person is gone
- teleport to other players (hasnt to be within range)
- teleport to clockworks
tested on: windows xp, vista, windows 7
(maybe some crashes on ultimate 64 bit)
After the start of the automaton:
<picture upside>
after start of flyff
<picture upside>
Commands (need wtfux script <link upside>
StartLooting - starts lootsystem
StopLooting - stops
Buff [No.] - buffs with every buff u have
Falls [No.] - setting e.g. 10 minutes bot will rebuff every 10 mins
StopBuff - stops buffing
Skill [ID] - uses skill on aim
StartSpam - spams txt
StopSpam - stops
EnAutoRes - enables autores
DisAutoRes - disables
ListPlayers - lists players nearby
ListActors - list npcs nearby
sayall - /say to everyone nearby
whisperall - /whisper ""
nocol - no collide
col - activates it back
WarpToDeath - warps to point of death
StartGrinding [No.] - starts grinding. no is amount of mobs
StopGrinding - stops
WarpTo - warps to npc/player
Follow - follows player
Open the teleportmenu with end
open with del the console
have fun!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Credits for [RELEASE] Flyff Automaton by EmiFR