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Newbie Guide

Submitted: 16 years ago (08.30.2008)

Starting to level your char
Put the armor and weapon on your char (use double-left click) they are in your inventory (press "Tab" to open it)
If u are a newbie and you diden't get your own buffstation yet, use the l2 scrolls in your inventory (activate with double-left click). These l2 scrolls will make your character stronger for one hour. After that hour they will dissapear.
Don't try to beat a monster which lvl is much higher than yours, cause you can die very quickly! It's easy to group momsters by their lvl(level), you need only to watch in what color is their name (very red it means his lvl is much higher than your lvl, pink means his lvl is higher than yours, yellow means his lvl is a bit higher than yours, white means his lvl is the same as your lvl, green means his lvl is a bit lower than your lvl, light blue means his lvl is lower than yours and dark blue means his lvl is much lower than yours!)
If the monsters are getting lower than yours, you need to find new hunting areas, hunting blue or darkblue monsters is not wise as they will give less experience (experience are points that your char gets after he kills a monster, collecting these points will make your char raise his/her level
Some tips and rules
Remember that you must always pick your drops (items, adena, materials) after you hunt monsters, cause it can crash the server if there is are too many items on the ground! You may be punished by a GM if you are caught leaving behind drops.
It is best for you to learn your new skills, cause that will make your char stronger, and so you can level faster!
Always choose weapons over armour, cause weapons are more needed than armour
Create quick shortcuts of the basic actions (attack, sit or stand, healing potions, soulshots, etc) to your toolbar!

If your hp(Hitpoints) is falling, use healing potions (you can buy them in each city)
- lesser healing potion
- healing potion
- greater healing potion, only available from monster drops and common craft
For faster leveling use soulshots, spiritshots or blessed spiritshots! You can kill monsters faster, but remember press soulshot each time before each hit(much easier if you put soulshot link in your toolbar)! You can buy no grade soulshots in newbie town magic shops(Dark Elven Village, Talking Island, Elven Village, Orc Village and Dwarven Village) but D,C,B,A,S grade soulshots, spiritshots or blessed spiritshots you must buy from other people or craft them! Also, in C4 you can probably use the auto-soulshot button. Left click the soulshot on your hotbar once and it will start using them. In C3 and earlier versions people use ingame walker for the same purpose.
Till level 20 use only No grade equipment!

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