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Aion Accounts

$300 (USD)

seeling account with 50 toons and 30 alts

Server: azphel
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Views: 941


m selling an account with 7 paid months,
got lots of lodas and 6months wings
around 35mil ingame money
2 lv. 50 toons
4 lv. 30~31 toons
(asmodian side)

- assassin 31 with full lv 30 daeva set, filled with gold attack stones,
and +10 daeva dagger, for rifting low lvl if you like, rank is not high

- lvl 30 cleric and sorcerer, and a 31 chanter well blue geared

-templar 50 with 399 alchemy/300weaponsmithing expert blue 48 gear, blue sword lv 40 +8 and greatsword blue lv 45 both expert, gold 40 shield, good blue jewerly (critical+hp+accuracy), lv 30 gold abyss boots, glooves and 2 rings, rank 2 around 130k Abyss Points

and a lv. 50 ranger with +10 lv 40 blue expert bow, Lv43 expert pads and chest, lv 33 expert blue gloves, blue jewerly set with critical accuracy and hp, lv 30 gold abyss boots, lv30 gold abyss rings x2 and belt, 150k abyss points, 449 cooking
alot of scrolls and craft items/manastones in account

if u wanna contact me by msn, [email protected]

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